Thursday, February 28, 2019
Based On Your Reading Of Gulliver’s Travels, To What Extent Do You Agree That Jonathan Swift Is Misanthropic In His Presentation Of Human Society
In Gullivers travels I think that Jonathan bustling is trying to show batch what gentleman society is re only(prenominal) ify kindred. He does this through and through 4 sweeps apiece to a different imaginary blank, where the mess argon a badinage of a different aspect of human society, and in each sweep lively is telling us what he thinks of human society through what Gulliver put forwards, and what he sees.Many people feel described the book negatively for example William Thackeray, an 1850s novelist described it as, Filthy in word, filthy in thought, furious, raging, obscene, and so over the two and a half centuries since it was first published it has ca applyd a lot of controversy and has divided positions. Gullivers first voyage is to a place called Lilli puke. The Lilliputians atomic number 18 small people, abtaboo 6 inches high, and this is a fiction for their small-mindedness. Gulliver criticises the stylus the Lilliputians elect their ministers- by doing circus tricks, ith a dance on the lap and whoever jumps the highest succeeds in mop upice. This inverted comma is showing that nimble is annoyed that people suffer to jump through hoops to go bad into office. This is one of the stupid polices in Lilliput. This is like politics in the 18th century and even now, in that the flush were the only ones in parliament in the 18th century, and now it is for the most someonea the rich in parliament beca use they argon the only ones who quarter finance a campaign. A nonher law is no urinating in the palace.When a liberation breaks out in the palace Gulliver does non want it to burn down, This impressive palace would have infallibly been burned to the ground, so he urinates on it to put it out. Then the mightiness of lilliput strikes several articles against Gulliver. This is Swift satirising the ingratitude, hypocrisy and cruelty of the state, because he is talking roughly England, and it is also precept how a normal law c ould be used to drive out a person the king or prime minister didnt like. At the end of the voyage to lilliput, my opinion of the Lilliputians is that they are ungrateful and small-minded.They are ungrateful because they dont thank Gulliver for saving the palace, they are small-minded because thy have a war with Blefuscu because they open their eggs at the other end. This is satire for the war with France over religion. This could show that Swift is misanthropical because he is only adage how they are against Gulliver not what penny-pinching things they have done, if any. yet this could show that Swift is not misanthropic because they might not have done anything good, and he only targets those who deserve it, the politicians. Gullivers flash voyage is to Brobdignag.Brobdignag is the land of the giants. I think that they are giants as a token of their gr cancel out wisdom, the opposite of the Lilliputians. Gulliver tells the king there about European and position society and e specially the wars. Gulliver says, It was only a heap of conspiracies, rebellions our ambition could produce. This quote seems misanthropic because Swift is criticising everything in human society and saying people only do bad things like rebel and murder. However Swift may be right and might only want the domain to improve, and one way to do this is to tell people plainly and simply.The kings reaction to what Gulliver says in damning. He calls adult male, the most pernicious race of odious circumstantial vermin that nature ever suffered to crawl the pinnath. This is misanthropic because it is Swift saying exactly what he thinks of the human race. The third voyage is to Laputa, Glubbdubdrib and Luggnag. In Laputa, Swift is satirising scientists and intellectuals. The people in Laputa live on a floating island and use this fact to exploit those below them. I think this is a metaphor for the rich at the top of the hierarchy exploiting the poor below them in hierarchy. Also in La puta are the scientists.They have a personal retainer that taps them on the mouth when they have to speak and on the ear when they have to listen. This is saying that scientists and intellectuals have to be reminded to listen to others because they think that what they say is right. Another thing the scientists do is invent stupid things, for example to get pigs to dig the fields by burying truffles for them to dig up, hardly the reproach is that you have to bury the truffles first so you might as intimately just dig the ground and not bury truffles. The second part of this voyage is to Glubbdubdrib. In Glubbdubdrib, Swift is satirising superstition and magic.Gulliver gets the chance to go rear in time and see what really happened in the past. He finds out that history is partly lies, The world had been misled by prostitute writers, to ascribe the superior exploits in war to cowards, the wisest council to fools, sincerity to flatterers, Roman virtue to betrayers of their countr y, piety to atheists, justice to sodomites. This tells me that prompt really thinks that history is lies and people who dont deserve it have had all the glory. The final part of the third voyage is to Luggnagg. Gulliver tells us what he would do if he could live forever.He says, Procure myself wealthiness in the second place I would apply myself to the study of arts and science. Lastly I would carefully record every action and event of consequence that happened in the public By which acquirement I should be a existent treasury of knowledge and wisdom, and certainly become the oracle of the nation. Here Gulliver is saying that if he was a Struldbrugg, or immortal, he would first get riches for himself, accordingly afterwards use his capacity to learn all things in arts and science, and use what he has learned to be the oracle of the nation.However at the end of this voyage Gulliver sees what happens to them when they get extremely older so normal, they get even more deforme d in proportion to their age, and are hated by all the other people, and he decide that he would rather die then live forever. In the voyage to Luggnagg, spry is making us think about whether all humans would use their capacity to help others, or whether they would just use it to become the richest person in the world. Gullivers 4th voyage is to the country of the Houyhnhnms. This is the place where horses, or houyhnhnms, are the dominant species, and the humans, or Yahoos, are the subordinate race.Gulliver first finds this out when he is ardored by a group of Yahoos. He describes them as, very singular and deformed. Gulliver then gives a long description of them, for example, the females have long hair, The hair of two sexes was of several colours, brown, red, black and yellow. This is an ironic description of humans because Gulliver is describing exactly what a human is like naked and does not even realise it. The Yahoos recede their excrements on Gulliver and this makes th em seem barbaric and uncivilised.Then, when two horses appear they walk virtually Gulliver softly in awe of his hat and his clothes hanging off him. This is a direct comparison and is showing that humans are not as civilised as they think and that when shown from a different perspective, they can be the uncivilised ones. When Gulliver goes to the house of the horses he sees that it is like a human house but with things horses need like a manger to eat from. Gulliver is soon compared to a Yahoo, and he realises that he is a Yahoo but his clothes are keeping it a secret.Throughout this voyage the view is built up that this place is a utopian society, but in the end, Gulliver cant stay there. Here, I think swift is telling us that humans cant be part of a utopia so they shouldnt try. When Gulliver returns home he hates his family and cant stand out to be around them, for the first year I could not bear my wife or children in my presence, the very small of them was intolerable, muc h little could I suffer them to eat in the same room. This is showing the readers that cosmos with a much more civilised race, or even a very different race, can change you and the way you see things.At the end of the voyage to the country of the Houyhnhnms, I think that even though it is a utopian society, they dont have some concepts humans have so it would be hard to live there. In conclusion, I think that swift is not misanthropic in his presentation of human society because he presents models of human behaviour in the Houyhnhnms and the Brobdignagians, because it is in these voyages that the people in the places are commenting on what Gulliver has to say and it isnt Gulliver saying what was bad in that place. However, the Brobdignagian model is break up because they have flaws and are not perfect.Swift shows this because the Brobdignagians have freak shows and this is inhumane. moreover I think Swift is not misanthropic because his main attack is on unjust wars, and this is a common in all four voyages. Another reason I think swift is not misanthropic, is that he only criticises those who deserve it, like the quack doctors, and the drunks who use all their familys money on alcohol. Also, swift shows the flaws of mankind and wants to improve it. I know this because he wrote about good people like the Brobdignagians and the Houyhnhnms, as I said before.Swift also only tells us about what has happened to him, so if he has only had bad experiences with, for example politicians, then he can only make bad comments about them. However, Gulliver doesnt tell us about any good people in England at the time, or any good experiences he had had with people, he focuses on the bad. In conclusion, I think that Jonathan Swift is not misanthropic in his presentation of human society because he only comments on what he knows, and his main aim is to make the world better, and the better way to do this it to tell people in simple terms, in a story of a popular genre.
Assignment one Organisations and environment Essay
Discuss how an make-ups hawkish emolument net be deepend with the basis of hot engineering science. In this day and age with almost all food markets universe highly matched it is at top of concernes agendas to h ageing in they live a steady rivalrous favor. 1 .The term matched reinforcement is the magnate gained through attributes and resources to perform at a high level than separates in the same industry or market. If a business tidy sum ensure that they shed a competitive advantage it enables them to be one yard ahead of their competition, this is curtail for a businesss success exceptional given the economic climate as it stands. One of the main standards of competitive advantage is pricing/cost. We see these most frequently in supermarkets, as most firms compete for the lowest prices this is because their consumers all want to find the outgo price for the ware they want to buy. We also see this in other markets as consumers al appearances accoun t for a better offer indeed the firm with the lowest prices generally has the higher demand. A nonher physical exertion is quality.When consumers look for witch growth or serves to purchase quality is key share witch influence their diction. We see this on the high street metre and time again as consumers consistently go to big sword names such as apple because they know that quality impart be ensured in their purchase. As a result of this apple or able to boost prices and in whirl create a higher profit margin for products. From these simple examples we give the sack see how important competitive advantage is because of the additional finical gain it heap bring to a business. These examples are basic as a competitive advantage can come in many forms as keen-sighted as it befits a business and their competitors do not have it. A competitive advantage can prove extremely important to a business, for this reason it is only as important to maintain the advantage and enhance it if possible. One way to do this is by the origin of pertly applied science. If a firm is unforced to invest in in the altogether applied science it can be seen as a competitive advantage in itself. This is because the applied science is check off newborn and competitors do not have it yet. This gives the firm a unique advantage and give in turn attract customers.The introduction of new engineering can also be used to enhance a firms competitive advantage. If we take the manufacturing industry as an example the firms competitive advantage may be there product and the way that it functions and the price that it is made for. If the firm thenintroduces many new technology to its production line (machinery) their competitive advantage may be enhanced as the quality of the product is now better referable to the new technology. This will make customer chose that firm over its competitors. The introduction of the new machinery may mean that less lag is now involve in that area of the production line. This in turn will enhance the firms competitive advantage as unit be for the product will become lower due to the reduction of staff. This federal agency that firm can charge less than their competitors cause a higher demand for their product. Another example of how firm can use new technology to enhance their competitive advantage is in the researching of consumer information. A firm can only be prospering in the long electioneering and have a competitive advantage if it knows their consumers inevitably and wants. From this information the firm can devolve a product portfolio and brand that matches the consumers emergencys and wants, in turn giving them a colossal competitive advantage.An example of this could be Tesco. Tesco are using new technology in drift to help them understand their consumers more and in turn enhance their competitive advantage. They have done this by introducing their club posting scheme. This is a reward scheme for cu stomers as an incentive to make them more loyal to their supermarket however this also offers Tescos the opportunity to see scarcely what their customers are buying how often and at what times. This is very useful as it enables them to develop sales strategies and obtain the correct products to complement their consumers inescapably and wants. This will then improve customer loyalty and in the long run make more money. This is another example of how a firm can you new technology (in this case a database and swipe card) in found to enhance the firm overall success and competitor advantage. 2. To gain competitive advantage a business scheme of a firm manipulates the confused resources over which it has direct control and these resources have the ability to generate competitive advantage.This quote reinforces the idea that firms are able. This quote again highlights the fact that in order for a firm to enhance their competitive advantage they need to look at the resources in their direct control and look at how to manipulate or enhance them in order to give them a better competitive advantage. One of the most popular and most successful shipway of doing this is by the introduction of new technology to a business. A common example of this found in the retail industry is source control. A resource under thedirect control of all retailers in on the high street is their own inventory/stock. Over the snuff it ten year there has been a massive change in the way businesses handle the problem of stock control. Instead of the now old fashioned way of stock ordits and counts, most retailer now have a database system which shows all their stock including how much they have on the shop floor as well as in back-up storage. They also know when they have sold any given product and can be told by a computer alert that stock needs to be replenished on the shop floor, or that stock should be order as they have ran out. This system combined with the JIT (just in time strate gy of stock control) has lead retailer to be more efficient scrimping money and time and overall improving their competitive advantage.Other ways that businesses can use new technology to enhance their competitive advantage is via their websites. Many firms underestimate the value of using their websites to gain significant competitive advantage in their given markets. With firm simply using their websites as a means to explain what their business is and show off their product portfolio. However if businesses invest in new web design technology they may be able to enhance your distribution networks. This may complicate using the web portal to enhance logistics, create new merchandising channels (for example affiliate channels) or provide better or faster product access for customers. It is imperative that businesses use new technology in order to change and grow as a business as well as improving its competitive advantage. If this does not pass on the business may be felt behind as the market progress and grows with new technology along with their customers. A great example of this could be Woolworth with left the high street in 2009 leaving 27,000 the great unwashed unemployed.Woolworth downfall lied in its inability to change and grow with consumer demands. 3. professor Alan Wilson, from the citys Strathclyde Business School, said one reason Woolworths did not survive was because it didnt offer the quality of some other stores. And it couldnt offer the prices that the discount stores such as Primark, Lidl and others could actually offer, This ultimately shows the have-to doe with of what can happened to businesses that do not change or put enthuses into new technology in order to enhance their competitor advantage. Although I have mentioned many examples of how new technology can be used to enhance a firms competitive advantage there is some disadvantages when it comes to the introduction ofnew technology. Firstly any firm that is considering the introd uction of new technology will first have think to the highest degree the sign investment. New technology is never cheap and can be quite expensive and time consuming to install. Therefore businesses most think conservatively about if the investment is worth it and will it pay for itself in the long run.Also the introduction of new technology can bring de-motivation into the workforce. For example in the case that I mention early about manufacturing firms where staff could be laid off because of the introduction of new technology, this would a gush example of staff being de-motivated as they are worried about their job and think they could be the next one to go. However level though there are some small drawbacks new technology is still a very important factor when it comes to the enhancement of a firms competitive advantage and should be looked into carefully by all firms that want to be successful and grow.References1. Christensen and Fahey 1984, Kay 1994, Porter 1980 cited b y Chacarbaghi and kill 1999, p. 45 2. Reed and Fillippi 1990 cited by Rijamampianina 2003, p. 362 3. Professor Alan Wilson thoughts on Woolworths- http//
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Of Mice and Menn â⬠this novel is all about The American Dream Essay
The Novel Of Mice and workforce was written in 1937 by John Steinbeck. It is the about touching tale about the relationship of twain work force, George and Lennie who be approach with difficult situations at clocks which argon Steinbecks aspects of his look visual perception as there are the main characters of the fable. On the otherwise flock Steinbeck highlights in the wise the social conflicts of the time period, much(prenominal) as the temper change cause by drought and the financial collapse of 1929, which had bear upon the increase of unemployment and poverty throughout the United States of America.Of mice and men is a tonic set on a ranch in the Salinas valet in California during the great depression of the 1930s. The main characters of the novel are Lennie and George. Lennie is depict as a large computerized tomography who doesnt live on his protest strength, besides also unable to gauge other peoples weaknesses. Lennie is best described as child give care he embodies the best characteristics of a childish mentality. He is trustworthy and a nice guy although he is ment wholey disabled, Lennie is simplistic and docile. He gets distracted very easily and is obsess over simple sensory pleasures, finding great joy in touching soft occasions, whether a cotton dress or a soft puppy. Although he lacks in capacity on controlling himself physically, he has a great protective instinct, especially when it comes to his friend, George.George is a bright and sinewy looking guy who isnt suffering from any diseases like Lennie is. George is like a guardian to Lennie by always look down to him reservation sure he is hale and happy. George is small, wiry, quick-witted composition, however a loving and caring psyche, he struggles at times as Lennie has ruined everything but he even-tempered stays with him.Its not normal for two people to contrive in concert travelling ranch to ranch as they do this shows how strong their relationship objecti vely is. George promotes moral responsibility opposed Lennie or Curleys wife. He also has interesting physical characteristics such as restless eyes, strong small guides, thin arms, and a cadaverous nose. His need in a companion (Lennie) exceeds the generally accredited traditional remedies for l championliness. Throughout the story, George isnt very al ane(p) since he has got Lennie with him but in the end, when Lennie dies, he becomes lonely as he does not cause anyone with him anymore.This novel is all about The Ameri raft Dream youve noticed that no one in the book is truly happy. Everyones missing something. Except the boss, none of them own there own land or home. The only thing that anyone in the ranch has is a inhalation. lot who work on the ranches have a low chance of going anywhere in intent as it is tough with the low income they receive. In theory, anyone could become successful. Trouble is, in practice, most(prenominal) people need to be born rich to cast it but George and Lennie dream of a better life and are contrastive to everyone else as they got hope in themselves that they dont want to work on ranches every twenty-four hours until they die.George and Lennie twain have interesting and arouse dreams about how successful there futures will be. Lennie dreams with George of having a small adult male of land he is obsessed with one aspect of this dream having a small rabbit hutch where he potty tend rabbits. Lennie is incapable of making decisions by himself which is wherefore he relies on George entirely. But truthfully it was never going to happen Steinbeck says each mind was popped into the future when this loving thing should come about. This shows that its all in a opine future. The restate I got to thinking maybe we would, George says to Lennie because he might of care hearing it not realizing the truth with his childish mentality. You could spot a score of loneliness which exists in Georges mind. He knows that th ere is no future for them and he doesnt want Lennie to smell out sad or upset, so by telling Lennie this lie, it will keep him happy and motivated on moving on. Steinbeck is trying to show us that there is no consequence of life if you fall into working in ranches and travelling.One of the main aspects that are attached with most of the characters of the novel is loneliness. Steinbeck has purposely progress tod the town Soledad because in Spanish, Soledad substance loneliness. This relates to the town organism lonely and how the people biography in it are also lonely and it also gives us a clue that the novel is mainly about loneliness. Loneliness encourages characters to seek an alternate way of life. You can notice how most of the important characters from the start end up being separated from each other, such as edulcorate and his domestic quest after, George and Lennie and Curley and his wife. There is oft confusion and difficult situations where things dont go as well or mistakes are make.There have been over one guanine migrant workers who came from different locations in America such as California. The men who decided to travel alone migrated from ranch to ranch in short-term. They were gainful very little and there werent manhoody options as no one would take them in. Lennie and George were the type who migrate from ranch to ranch together looking for work and this wasnt very easy for them as they both were in difficult situations at times and had to leave for many reasons such as Lennie would do something wrong in a place as he is not as bright and gets distracted easily. This made both George and Lennie run away and come to Soledad from the town Weed where Lennie had petted a filles dress which made them lose their job.The positionhouse was described as a rectangular building, which was dark and dull from the inside. Every mans bunk was identical to each others (8 bunks in total). All of the bunks had a little shelf to put there belong ings on. They also had a square table in the middle of the path were everyone had played cards. Everyone on the ranch was lonely because all the men in the bunkhouse were single and they had no companion to plow there feelings with like George and Lennie did. When George says they got no family this explains that they are like orphans who have goose egg in life but themselves. This shows a undertake of loneliness and isolation from others because all this time he hasnt genuinely known the real meaning of life until he met Lennie. The men in the bunkhouse have goose egg to look forward to except working on ranches for the rest of their lives.People like Slim and others find it strange how George and Lennies relationship is rattling strong and how they travel together working as a team. This is because most of the ranch hands tend to travel alone. This also shows that having follow is extraordinary and being lonely is now seen as normal for the people living on the ranches. Curleys wife is a young loving somebody who is fed up and wants some recognition, attention, her own identity and her own life. She is a very lonely character as she has nobody except her husband who she doesnt love and also doesnt receive love from him as well. Really she doesnt have her own identity as she is seen as still someones wife, this is because Steinbeck has not given her an tangible take a leak by calling her Curleys wife to show us that she doesnt really have an identity. in any case without Curley, she would be nothing as her life would have been so much different and harder with the social conflicts at the time period.Steinbeck purposely had done this which shows a sign of loneliness in her character. Curley doesnt spend enough time with his wife, leading failure to satisfy her, each emotionally or physically. The lack of communication has pushed her into continuously looking for companionship, the quote Think I dont like to talk to soulfulness ever once in a w hile? shows a sign of loneliness. She is dislocated from the other ranch workers because they try avoiding her and not speaking with her as a fear of upsetting the bosss son (Curley), this distinctly explains that Curley does not give her the attention she craves and desires. Her relationship isnt going really well as she has been looking for pleasure and flirting with other men. Curley isnt someone who is always there for her nor loving.Another character who is very lonely is edulcorate. The old Handyman, aging away and is reduced to cleaning the Bunkhouse after losing his hand in an accident at work. Occasionally, sugarcoat worries that the boss will currently declare him useless and demand that he leave the ranch. He was the person who welcomed George and Lennie to the farm, present them where there beds were. He also has a similar dream to Lennie and George to pct his own land and animals also some economic values. He offers them all his compensation money in return for a share in his and Lennies dream. Only meeting them on the first day shows how desperate he was. His life is the total opposite of his name because the name Candy gives us an impression of sweet things but the character Candy is the total opposite. Finally, the most important thing in his life was his dog which was his best friend, who kept Candy company and has been in his life for a very long time.The quote I had him ever since he was a pup, shows that that the dog was someone he was able to care for which provided him with more than just friendship but family. The death of Candys Dog made a big impact in the reflection of attitudes to his life, being isolated and insecure as he loses the only thing that mattered to him in his life. He has no family or friends, resulting in failure to understand the human attachments and relationships with others. Also the character Carlson tries to squelch candy into shooting the struggling old dog. Candy had very strong, loving feelings for him and couldnt preside. In the end because of peer pressure he agrees to let Carlson shoot the dog. You can see from the quote whynt you shoot him Candy? This shows that Carlson isnt very sympathetic and he cant understand how strong the draw together is between Candy and his dog because he has a lack of understanding human attachments and relationships.The most odds-on character in the novel is Crooks. He is isolated due to the work of his skin because people look at him differently and give him no respect. He is the only black man in the book and at that time, America was a very racist, unpleasant place as Crooks were victimized. Crooks is a black unchangeable-hand who is lively, sharp-witted and proud. He got his name from his crooked back. He also admits that he is extremely lonely, like most of the characters in the novel. He was referred to as stable buck, nigger or crooks and he was never referred to by his actual name which suggests that no one actually is bothered to get t o know him. Crooks lives alone away from everybody else. He is isolated in his own room in the barn, instead of being with the other hands in the bunkroom. isolate him from the other ranch workers purely because colour of his skin.The quote A guy goes nuts if he aint got nobody suggests that he had literally gone insane from loneliness and low self esteem. On the other hand, it is clear that he craves companionship from the shocking reaction when Lennie comes over to his room. At first he rejected him hoping to prove a point, as why should a black man welcome a white man when he who isnt welcome in a white mans house. Lastly he couldnt take it from his desire for company so he invites him over to sit with him. Crooks doesnt stop talking, showing us that he yearns for company as he is terribly lonely. In his room Crooks has the California code which is meant to protect his rights of black people in America, but in reality the symbol means nothing as for men like crooks, who is unable to socialise or be accepted as who he is just because of the colour of his skin.The character Curley is the bosss son and is rather a two-dimensional villain. He gains his respect from others by picking fights with larger men. He is a little, mean and bitter expletive who is very aggressive and boastful to others. Rumours been said that Curley is a champion prize-fighter. Candy says that he is handy quoting that he fights well. He came in the finals for the Golden hand boxing competition, this shows us that he likes fighting and is committed to it. No one likes Curley because he doesnt deserve the respect with how he treats people. He is a married man and his wife isnt very happy with him as she thinks that he has missed many opportunities to spend some time with her and bond together like couples do. The only time Curley shows up with his wife is when his wife was found dead. He doesnt realize the fact he take to think about others then just himself.In Conclusion, Steinbeck has successfully presented all the characters to some degree of loneliness, which was the main theme. He has perfectly explained the different aspects of how their lives on the ranches can be very lonely even if youre still around each other. The way Steinbecks style of writing makes you feel sympathy for the characters. Also you experience the peoples lives were like at that time. The novel goes full circles, the situation ending basically the same as it began, at the same place.I really think the book Of Mice and Men is a really interesting story and have enjoyed it, I really recommend reading it
Lost Letters of Perganum
The Lost Letters of Perineum, describes a collection of fictional letters being exchanged between two fictional characters cognize as Antipasti and Luke. Antipasti is a benefactor from Rome, and Luke is a physician and author of the credo of Luke and the Book of Acts. Luke is also the main person who Antipasti goes to throughout the novel for noesis and answers to his many questions. The story is very well written and gives the reader an whim of what the first century Church was exchangeable.The letters also illustrate a vivid picture of Chrisms life and the effects his addict lifestyle had on the ancient culture. Antipasti, a self-established benefactor, resides from the cities of Tree and Caesar in Rome and is a worshiper of Jupiter and Culprits. Culprits, a nobleman from the city of Ephesus, went away when he suddenly anomic his firstborn child. Due to his absence, Antipasti became quickly acquainted with Luke, whom was very wise and emotional close his beliefs in Jesus Christ.After Antipasti and Luke began writing to each other for a while, their conversations started to lean more towards the topic of spiritual matters and specifically towards Lakes decision to mention Jesus Christ and his works on Chrisms life. After much historic and spiritual discussion, the two moved to the topic of the gladiatorial events, in which race were slaughtered in front of hundreds of other people for entertainment. Antipasti was beginning to question the events and the holiness of it all.As the two grew deeper into their spiritual conversation and Luke shargond more of his views of Christ, Antipasti grew very curious. He began reading a narrative by Luke about Jesus Christ, and t quondam(a) Luke his thoughts and opinions about his work. Antipasti curiosity soon led him to join a fellowship of Christians in his town led by a an named Notations. He met with the group on a regular basis and saw what a huge effect Christ had on their moderne culture. Antipasti grew to know more about Christ and believed he was indeed the watchword of God.His passion for him grew, and he knew that he should begin worshipping Christ and not Jupiter. As Antipasti faith grew stronger he soon found himself protesting against the gladiatorial events. He discover that his Christian brother, Demerits, was to be murdered and decided that he could not surrender such an act to happen. Antipasti sacrificed himself for Demerits and was killed in his place by being realise alive. The reader knows that Antipasti sacrificed himself for what he believed in, all for the glory of God.I found it quite provoke that Antipasti had grown so passionate and loyal to the Christian religion in such a short time period. He made himself aware(predicate) and educated and joined the other Christians in faith even though he knew they were highly unaccepted in their culture. He opened himself up to a new way of life and left behind his old beliefs that he stood by for years. Was amazing how Antipasti could grow so loyal to a religion he just learned of, than o one he had been worshipping most of his life.He grew so loving and faithful toward his new Christian beliefs that he was willing to die for another man and for a God he had just started to follow. Issues discussed in todays modern culture consists of many people believe that Christians are harassed for their beliefs and persecuted for their worships. However, whatever conflict they encounter today has no comparison to the effects of being Christian in the first century. directly there are many Christians but few who actually go for a strong passion for the Gospel.There are thousands of people today who are proud to call themselves Christians, but would there still be as much if the consequences were still being beaten or murdered in front of a crowd? Does the passion of Christ lit wrong of Antipasti still exist in any Christian today? Although the story was fictional, the portrayal of the first century wa s accurate. There were many people like Antipasti who were killed for standing up for their beliefs perhaps the message here is for all modern day Christians to reevaluate the way theyre following Christ, and to use Antipasti passion and inscription as an example to live by.
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Education in Culture Essay
Education in todays initiation is far more different from the reading it was before. Nowadays, as technologies and industries rise onwards, the need for education becomes more vital. Education is about learning and likewise teaching skills. As a lead off of the society, education has played study roles not only on passing culture from peerless times to another but overly in helping establish a more stable society. Education also denotes on the process of lottery out certain skills or making someone realize the mathematical function of some skills that he has on its own.And as the world develops, the entirety of education also has changed. Now, it encompasses different disciplines such as philosophy, psychology, biology, history, sciences, sociology and many others. Education is believed to spend a penny started once a person is born and ends until he dies. Each and both person defines education differently from others. Education can be win even without the presence of p roper naturalizeing. It is the experience and the applications of the things learned that counts on what one has attained.Different cultures in the world have a different denominate of view on the idea of education. Their definition and ideas about education is super embarked on the way they spend their everyday lives, how they eat their food, how they please their gods or how they rear their young. Basically, perspectives about education and how learning is done in a particular place is based on their culture. The unify States is one of the countries that run to the Western culture. Its culture started even before it became a country.Now, as the world progresses and along with the different factors of culture combination and transfer, the unite States is one of the various and multi cultural nations. Due to the strong British ties that have happened in the past, the unify States culture is greatly influenced by the British culture. Other influences also entangle European co untries who once take part in the history of the US such as Poland, Italy, Germany, Ireland and the Natives of America. Due to rampant migration and trade during the past, the western part of Africa has also played important roles in the structure of culture of the unite States today.As one of the leading countries in the world today, the culture of the United States requires education as one of the needs of its each and every citizen. In its education system, children ranging from the periods five to sise are necessitated to attend school. At the age of five most children starts schooling in kindergarten, then, they attend elementary from ages six to eleven, middle school from eleven to fourteen then high school from fourteen to eighteen. There are two forms of education in the States human beings and clubby.Public education in the United States is funded by the federal official regimen and by each of the individual states. These funds came mainly from the taxes in the metrop olis of the states and not as education fund given by the federal governance. On the other hand, private education in the United States receives piffling or no government support at all. And since most of the private schools are governed by religious organizations, these private institutions are disqualified from go government support. Students who have graduated from the secondary level may passive pursue education in universities.There are different Universities in the States. Some are funded both by the local and federal government and some are governed by private institutions. Due to the status of the United States in the world today, it is one of the countries in the world with the most go on and most extensive educational systems and procedures. Education as a uncreated requirement in the States is offered in all levels from the children to the youth and even to the adults. aside from learning as its main propose, education in theStates seeks to promote wisdom, democrac y, nationalism, equality and development not only of the state and the country but also the self. References Greenberg, I. (2007). Vocational education, Work Culture and the Children of Immigrants in 1930s Bridgeprort. Journal of companionable History. Volume 41. No. 1. Reed. T. V. (2007). Popular Culture Resources for Critical Analysis, Retrieved, November 23, 2005, from http//www. wsu. edu/amerstu/pop/. the States Study Guide. (2007). American Culture US Culture Info. Retrieved, November 23, 2007, from http//www. usastudyguide. com/americanculture. htm.
Comparison of Jane Eyre and ââ¬ÅGoblin Marketââ¬Â Essay
Brontes Jane Eyre and Rossettis hobgoblin foodstuff atomic number 18 both texts written in the Victorian period. They both carry kindred themes of the evils of patriarchy and the importance of em springing wo hands to assert their identity in this time period. both Jane Eyre and Laura ar characters that be affected by the issues that mainly affected wo hands in the male-dominated Victorian hunting lodge. This is clear pictured when the men in both texts fork up to confine women physically and emotionally through deception and force. The different line drawing of both male and female characters also plays a very all important(p) manipulation in communicating these issues. Rossettis Goblin Market whoremonger be read as a criticism of Victorian organization of marriage. She stresses the importance of womens friendship as the main agent that give the bounce help in fighting against or changing auberges exploitation of women. The two infants face two different kinds of women Lizzie, the submissive ones and Laura, those that fought against patriarchy, and the hobs represent the gray placement.It shows that women tail end control their destinies, gain some level of independence, and bar societys oppressive rules and work towards their liberation and happiness. In the Victorians society men where much(prenominal) educated, powerful and rich thusly they dominated women. Women were oppress to the home as housewives whilst their economizes earned money for the family. This gave the men even more power over women, both before and after(prenominal) marriage. Therefore, this led to the society ignoring and exploiting of womens rights and abilities, and social posture. The goblin men, full of promises not kept, dominate goblin Market, which symbolizes marriage. This clearly shows how men controlled the marriage arrangement. Women had no or little power in society to get what they want hence would resort to selling themselves in marriage. Beauty a nd grimace was their only power and so they slewd this and offered themselves for the security department of a husband.The goblin men are described as animal- deal and they still have power and influence over the women. Patriarchy is portrayed as organism corrupt and delusory. Rossetti shows that women were usually coaxed into marriage with lavish promises of love, wealth, status and security. This is seen when the goblin men coherently and persuasively cry out to the girls to get along with buy our.plumpsweetrare (lines 2-15) fruits. Lizzie, the docile sister succumbs to the Goblins seduction save her sister Laura realizes the riskiness and firmly resists the lure of the Goblin men. Lauras character represents a generation of women brave enough to climb up against stereotypes created by women as loose and passionate as well as fight women oppression. Mens deceit is evident in womens disappointments in marriage. Despite the strict marital laws, men could make a commitment to woman but later leave and go to some opposite woman.This bottom be seen when Laura returns to the market in need of more fruits but she finds no goblins, they have disappeared with all their succulent fruits. This breaks Lauras heart and she becomes demoralise when she realizes that she may never get to eat the fruits again. This is equivalent to the disappointment some women faced after marriage, in that they were not completely satisfied and intelligent because they were repressed, oppressed and not loved as much as they expected. astonishingly though, Lizzie who hasnt yet tasted the fruits, cigaret still hear the cries of the goblins. She however, manages to resist their invariant cries and calling but focuses on caring for her sister and looking ship back toothal of brining her back to life. Lizzie here could represent unmarried women desired by men and cosmos coaxed into marriage. Observing her sisters pitiful state teaches and empowers Lizzie, and it enables her to stay off falling for the goblins temptations.The struggle that could results from a womans attempt to fight patriarchy is represented when goblins use violence to twerp and torment her, but Lizzie does not falter or give in to their demands, Though the goblins cuffed and caught her, Coaxed and fought her, Bullied and besought her, Scratched her, pinched her black as ink, Kicked and knocked her, Mauled and mocked her, Lizzie uttered not a word Would not open lip from lip Lest they should cram a mouthful in(lines 424-432). She represents vigorous women who were brave enough to stand up fight against societys oppressive norms towards women. Her role as her sisters savior shows the need for womens collective action, how powerful they can be in fighting for their rights. Her persistence and effort could empower other women to stand up for their rights and continue fighting this kind of oppression and subjugation of women. Lizzie is able to resist the rape and humiliation that the goblins attempt on her because she has leverage. She comes with a coin in her purse, which gives her bargaining power even though it is little, she can trade with goblins on equal terms without following their terms.The violent and persistent behavior of the goblins in trying to force Lizzie to eat the fruit represents the sharp nature of men when it came to forcing women to submit to them in marriage. However, Lizzie is strong and persistent in resisting eating the fruit, but she lets the fruit juices stick to her body so that she can bring it home to her sister. When she arrives home she tells Laura to hug me, kiss me, suck my juices (line 468) and Laura does incisively that. The effect of the juices seems to work as they wake her from her trance and make her look more alive. The ending of the poem which hints at a possible titillating relationship between Laura and Lizzie could be a further commentary on how this fresh found intelligence of identity also leads to a newly dis covery of womens sexuality instead of the old tradition of being restricted to only having romantic relations with men.However, the virtually important matter it that there is no presence of the domineering influence of goblin men in the lives of the two women. Similarly, Brontes Jane Eyre discreetly rebels against her societys hoary system where Women, in their inferior treatment in Victorian society, are treated by society give care they were no more prudent or worthy of respect than children(Lewis).She develops into a strong, independent, self-assured and empowered teenaged woman. Her character stands out from the many conforming women characters in the novel curiously Bertha, Rochesters lunatic wife who is locked in the attic of his house, confined and being controlled by her husband like many married women. Females were supposed to be quiet, submissive, passive, and loyal to their husbands(Lewis). Jane Eyre on the other hand has her have ideas of how women should behave and what their role in society should be, contrary to what society dictates. We can see her lawlessness against these oppressive societal norms when she maintains thatWomen are supposed to be very cool generally but women touch sensation just as men feel they need exercise for their faculties, and a field for their efforts as much as their brothers do they suffer from too rigid a restraint, too positive a stagnation, precisely as men would suffer and it is narrowed-minded in their more privileged fellow-creatures to say that they ought to confine themselves to making pudding and knitting stockings, to playacting on the piano and embroidering bags. It is thoughtless to condemn them, or laugh at them, if they seek to do more or learn more than economic consumption has pronounced necessary for their sex. (Bront 112-13) She freely expresses her thoughts and her unfeminine ways puzzle most male and female characters in the novel. Also, she refuses to be charmed by Rochester who c alls her paragon and plans on transforming her through her dress style by she blatantly refuses this. Although he tries to convince her she does not believe him, she still remains skeptical and cautious.This clearly shows her refusal to be the woman that society expects her to be, gullible and nave, just like Lizzie who is not fooled by the goblins. Most male characters in this novel are also portrayed negatively because here too, they represent the evil patriarchal system. Rochester, one of the male characters in Jane Eyre is described as mannish and dark, strong, and stern,(115) a break out description as compared to the animal-like goblins but still bad. Bronte mainly highlights his masculine features, his dominance, energy, and authoritative and forceful nature. Jane says that I knew my traveler with his encompassing and jetty eyebrows his neat forehead, do squarer by the horizontal sweep of his black hair..yes, all cardinal were very grim and no mistake. His shape, now d ivested of cloak, I perceived accordant in squareness with his physiognomy I suppose it was a good mannequin in the athletic sense of the termbroad chested and thin flanked, though neither tall nor graceful (122).This masculinity translates to the power that men feature over women in the Victorian era, evident in Rochesters deceptive scheming plot to charm and deceive Jane into marrying him as his second wife. The hymeneals would have continued if he hadnt confessed the truth. Berthas situation reveals womens vulnerability in marriage. Rochester lies that they are divorced because he knows that he has hush up her by hiding her away and she cannot speak against him. Rochester also thinks he understands women, in particular Jane but Bronte make it is clear that he does not understand her at all. Just like in Goblin Market men and women are not equals. The relationship is like a slave and his master hence problems in seeing eye to eye. Similar to Goblins Market Rochesters former mistresses are an example of victims of the unfair marriage system which does not live up to its promises. Jane refers to the mistresses as these poor girls (348) because she realizes that she could have advantageously been like them.Rochester also plays games with her heart and soul in tell apart to manoeuvre a sort of experiment for his own benefit and amusement(Lewis). fortunately for her, she avoids the trap by observing and learning from the other victims, just like Lizzie is able to learn from her sisters mistake. Jane also struggles to overcome the danger of falling for Rochesters lavish promises of love and wealth. Rochesters persistence threatens her beliefs she admits, I loved him very muchmore than I could trust myself to saymore than words had power to express (295). Even though she is strong willed, Rochesters dominance and deception threaten to consume her, she says My future husband was becoming to me my whole worldwell-nigh my hope of heaven. He stood between me and every thought of religion, as an eclipse intervenes between man and the broad sun.I could not, in those days, see God for his creature of whom I had made an idol (307). However, she gets a lucky escape when Rochester confesses. Jane lets her fate to be compulsive by herself and her own actions instead of the wishes and direction of Mr. Rochester(Lewis). She sticks to her principles and leaves him. Jane also manages to assert her own identity in the male-dominated society even though both Mr. Rochester and St. canful Rivers try to confine her to a subordinate position in order to control her. She achieves this by rejecting both Rochester and St. John. She only agrees to get married to Mr. Rochester after ensuring that their marriage is truly based on equality. She now has wealth and almost the same social class with him. Just like Lizzie was able to trade with the goblins because she had money.Bront uses Janes rebellious character to communicate her thoughts, as well as oppose Victorian subjugation and stereotypes about women in the Victorian society. Bronte and Rossetti can be seen as two of the few brave female writers who utilise their writing to denounce the oppressive norms of the Victorian society for women. The fight against patriarchy in both texts lead to empowerment of women and the discovery of their sense of identity, this attributes to the electrical capacity and positive ending of both texts. Jane Eyre, Laura and Lizzie seem to have achieved a sense of security, happiness, and pride. Both texts end on a positive note, promising amend relationships/understanding between men and women as well as better if not equal treatment.Works CitedRobert Lewis, Gender Roles in Charlote Brontes Jane Eyre.The woman motility sexuality, sisterhood and subversion in chris ross gblin market.
Monday, February 25, 2019
My Future Education Essay
My smell is different right straight than when I was a high enlighten student because now Im preparing to study so I fecal matter get a peak and in the lead I was just studying so that I could calibrate from high school. My work in college is really primary(prenominal) because it decides how my future is breathing out to be. As a college student, Im more responsible than I was before because now I take my work more severely and that depends if I graduate or not. Like many people, I devote tuitional remnants in spirit. Some argon more important than others. one and only(a) of them was to graduate from high school and thats what I did brave year. another(prenominal) bringing upal goal is to graduate from college, then go to discharge earth and study for my chosen cargoner midwifery. An education matters to me because the level of education I subscribe will progress to a great impact on the options I will consume subsequently on in life the more options, the reme dy jobs I freighter get.Paul Logan and I have concluded that education matters because we have more opportunities to obtain so we can have a come apart future. In es arrange Zero by Paul Logan he says They shoved and threatened me on the bus, teased me in the halls, and mocked me during lunchtime. NERD. GEEK. LOSER. These insults were laid-off at me interchangeable bullets. Sometimes they came with fists I got sc bed. His fears of being daunted by their degreemates changed him from being a responsible, and intelligent child to someone who does not care if he gets good grades and is a good student. He changed to be this so his classmates did not bother him more and saw that he was like them and not a nerd as they used to say think him. Years of putting social time and my job ahead of school left me without study habits to deal with college work. Years of following others left me ill-equipped to actualize smart choices round my education. In addition to lacking skills, I be sides lacked motivation,Logan comments. Logan macabree bad choices that ultimately affected him in his education because his skills, and motivation were lacking. The way in which Logan overcame his challenges was by deciding to go keep liberation to college. He made this decision because he saw his old friends cut through studying while he worked. So with the money he had protected for the months he worked he pay his classes and had the opportunity to continue studying in college. As I was reading Logans essay, I felt no-account for him because he had to change hisappearance of a good boy that cares about his education to someone that thinks education doesnt matter in life. He also had to change his conceptions about school, just because he destinyed to suffer in with others, and because he didnt expect them to reject him or make fun of him. But at the end, I was happy because he agnize the mistakes he did by not putting attention on his education and he decided to go back to college so he could have a go bad job and a break education.Like Logan, dismissal to college was a great opportunity to for my education nevertheless also I had to face several challenges, like turning my work on time. This happens because sometimes I have difficulty managing my time because I have neer been in control of my own schedule. In this semester the classes I found favourable are Sign Language, Math, Business Computer Apps and English. The class that I found a little bit unwaveringly is Psychology because in that location are words that I applyt know and sometimes are difficult for me to learn them.Sometimes I have so much homework to do or I get distracted excessively easy by any sound that people made or at home when my siblings are yelling and thats how I ache my time. Stress is another challenge that Im facing at college because I get stressed out so quickly when I fall apartt understand something or when I get a lot of homework and I feel that I cant do it. So I just buckle under up and dont do it until I get relax and study for serve up. alike when Im really stress and I dont know what to do to solve it I start crying, get mad with others or I just go to my room lay raven on my bed listen music until I calm down.Techniques Im learning that servings me to succeed in college are that when I fatality help on my homework or something I dont understand about my classes I have to speak up and ask for help. I can meet my teachers and ask them to help me on what I dont understand. I have met with my Psychology teacher and she has help me on what I dont understand. There are also tutors that can help me on my homework and classes, them like teachers are there to help me on any questions I have. My teacher and tutors have help me a lot because now I understand more the class and when I need help I go with them so they can help me. To succeed I also have to study hard, hold up all my classes and have good grades if I want to go t o paper bag State.My parents made it possible to succeed as a college student because they brought me to this terra firma from Mexico so I could have better opportunities in my education. They have worked hard so I can study and have a better education than they had. Both of my parents just graduated from high school and that was the last education they received. My parents always tell me that I have to study so I can have a great education, job and future. They dont want me to suffer what they did like on founding jobs or on not having a good education. Thats why my parents stir me to keep studying.They were my inspiration to keep studying and Im going to make them be proud of me, so they can find oneself that they educated me right and that all they did so I could have a better education. I want to show my family from Mexico that coming to USA to study wasnt a waste of time, but a big opportunity to have a better education. Before I came to USA they use to say to me that comi ng to USA wasnt a good idea because they thought that I wouldnt be able to adapt to a in the altogether country, and language. They also thought that later in my life in this country, I would get married and work in the fields, but I want show them that they were wrong on what they said.While Im in college, I would like to achieve passing my classes, graduating, and to improving my English skills. I would like to improve on my grammar and on writing essays because these two things are my weakness in English. My goals for the next few years is to transfer to Sac State so I could keep studying and graduate as a midwife. Once Ive graduated from college and transfer to Sac State, I would like to move to an apartment so I could stay completion to where I am studying or working. In the future, I see myself working in a hospital as a midwife helping women to give birth to their babies and enjoying it because that was my decision what I chose to my future. Some daylight in the future, I would like to have a family teach and give advices to my childrens about education and tell them that education can plug want you want for your future. By time I get old, I would like to be happy and proud of what I accomplish because my goal of keep studying and been a midwife.For me an education is like going to a new country and discovering moreabout its culture. Success to me is a move process of hard work, intelligence, extraordinary skills, and my goals that I work out. Also successful is that which makes me complete without any dissatisfaction and watching the happy faces of my parents because they are proud of what Ive done. If I give a look back on my life, I intrust I would have achieved putting more effort than I did before in learning English. I would do this because right I now that my English is a little bit bad and sometimes I have trouble in school and in my daily life because of it. I also would like to change on getting better grades because there was a time th at my grades were so low and I wasnt proud of it.I guess this happened because by that time everything was easy for me but now I know that was a great mistake. Education is important to me because it will have a great impact on later options Ill have later in life. Its important because Im going to be the first of my family to graduate from college and I want to make my parents proud of me because they work hard to give me a better education than the one they had. I want them to see that I got a good education that helped me achieve my goals and that Im someone with a great life and career.
Globalization and Everyday Life Essay
Globalization and Everyday LifeGeographic boarders of soil states become less relevant as beliefs, traditions, and customs permeate and be accepted, practiced, and implemented across various societies and cultural arnas. Globalism deals with issues on a geopolitical scope and scale, in which the influence of unity culture do, nowadays or indirectly, affects the dynamic of other cultures or societies. The evolution of communication and travel has brought grim the logistical barriers, once imposed by these forms of communication. Globalizations effects give our embodied existence a new perspective and sheds light on some(prenominal) the positive and negative implications of individual and collective actions.Sociologists and governments can no long ignore weeer or what they deemed to be insignificant components in the modelling of globalization. A prime example, as illustrated in the text, is the foreign trade and commerce. If we Americans analyze everything we own or subv ert, we would probably realize that 50 percent of these material goods argon produced in other areas of the world.Globalization and Mass MediaEveryones life is influenced by everyone else. Globalization of mass media has had a dramatic influence on in many cultures. One need not visit or rattling in a certain part of the world to emulate or adopt styles, behaviors, or traditions of another culture. The stronger the global ties becomes between various cultures the to a greater extent interdependent they become.Commodities and GlobalizationThe first example covered in the text, with regards to globalization, is umber production and consumption. We as Americans consume 1/5 of the worlds production of coffee. Coffee is the centerpiece of many cordial settings and gatherings. It is incorporated into our chance(a) activities as commonly as we brush our teeth in the morning. This commodity is usually produced in some of the poorest countries in the world. The people of these countries can be directly dependent on the benefits derived from the sale ofthe coffee bean. If we as Americans intractable to drink more water and less coffee we could directly meeting the livelihoods of thousands of people. The small example elucidates the dramatic potential effects of globalization.Globalization and funThe cross cultural availability of music, movies, books, and other forms of entertainment has had dramatic effects on many societies and cultures. Artists from different countries can collaborate through many means of communications internet, satellite feeds, etc. to produce music that has an international blend or flair. This new music can influence moods and behaviors. remark from sales can effectively change an individuals pecuniary situation, which could change their whole social dynamic.Globalism and International Tourism and last many an(prenominal) years ago the majority of people traveled of necessity and not recreation, because of the related expense, hassle, and danger involved. With the modernization of travel people can near come and go as they please. Traveling brings about the socialization and social interaction. Friendships, business, and familial alliances can be the result. This facet of globalization can commit dramatic economic influences, which can change peoples lives dramatically. Travel brings people together. The after-result of these encounters can be either positive or negative. any way, globalization provides the medium for such changes. And the experiences can enrich a mortal and bring cultural awareness to the forefront.Globalization and Drug TraffickingThe influences and availability of adulterous drugs has been impacted by globalization. The untoward said effects of such activities are witnessed every day. Millions of dollars are spent and made, both in trying to proceed and in the sale of illegal drugs. The social be can be equally as high. Murder, robbery, assault, and a death, can be direct or indirect c onsequences of such actions. These problems affect not only the peopledirectly involved, but also affect people indirectly. If the crime in one area necessitates an increased police presence, my city taxes may go up. If my costs go up I have less to spend on things for myself, such as new shoes. The people that depend on me to buy new shoes feel the secondary economic impact of this scenario. This small process, when magnified on a grander scale, can affect thousands of people across the globe.Throughout the text additional topics are discussed concerning and globalization and everyday life. The womens movement, immigration, democracy, deindustrialization, and education, just a list of few, are some of the themes discussed. All of these factors tactical maneuver key roles in the evolution of globalization. Each helps to create changes in social interactions between individuals and entire societies. The positive and untoward effects of globalization testament forever change the way in which we act and react to changes that move on in our lives as we continue to exist on a major planet that is in a constant state of social flux.
Sunday, February 24, 2019
Islamic Finance & Critical Success Factors Essay
I Would like to take this opportunity to thank all those people who contributed their time and effort and provided their sixth sense in enable the compilation of this report, it is with much regret that all of their names cannot be mentioned one after another here, however special mention needs to be do of plastered individuals, without whose input this report would have not been possible.Mr Baratha Devanarayana course coordinator and project supervisor of the Advanced Diploma in Business Management programme at the National Institute of Business Management (NIBM) for the support and advice given in content structuring and format design of the report. Would also like to mention Mrs Zeti Akhtar Aziz, regulator of Bank Negara Malaysia and Mrs Shamshed Akhtar, Governor of the State Bank of Pakistan whose knowledge and valuable insight on the Islamic pay fabrication as leading professionals in the field have provided the basis on which the compilation of this report has been made possible.Executive Summary Islamic pay is a financial schema based on Shariah legality or Islamic law which mandates the prohibition of charging or payment of interest encourages risk and profit share betwixt all parties to a contract and emphasizes the need of ethical enthronization which contributes to the greater good of society as a whole.Islamic finance is now one of the fastest growing financial segments in the internationalist financial outline today with an estimated annual growth rate of 15 to 20%. Industry assets worldwide are currently estimated to be between $1. 3 trillion and its industry assets and overseas portfolios are estimated to reach 4 trillion in the medium term. Diverse financial products and services, progress in developing regulatory frameworks and enhanced international linkages are driving industry growth.The critical success factors for Islamic finance to foster the growth of the industry, the natural covering of these critical success factors an d there potentiality applicability in the Sri Lankan stage setting get out be analysed, a comparison between Islamic finance and the conventional system on some basic indicators for competitiveness, social breeding and development finance will be made and the Sri Lankan and regional potential of Islamic finance will be analysed as the research travail of this study.The progress that has been made on certain aspects of the Islamic financial system twain locally and world(a)ly, the importance of Sri Lanka fostering the growth of the Islamic finance industry are some of the issues discussed in this study. As a approach to the research part of this study the recent developments of Islamic finance both globally and locally and the historical development of Islamic finance will be looked at to facilitate an understanding on how the system has evolved from a single institution a few decades ago to a global industry with a global presence spreading from the Middle eastern United Stat es to Asia and the West.
Earth Is Precious Essay
The 7 continents are the seven main drink down flying fields on the Earth. Some are joined to from each one other, and some are completely surrounded by weewee. Some continents take in a lot of countries, but others get under ones skin only a few. Erin eat Nine Sticky Apricots At Aprils. If you can remember this mnemonic turn of events c onlyed an acrostic then it is easy remember all Continents arrive ats as the first letter of each word corresponds with the first letter of a continent. These continents are Europe, Asia, northernmost the States, South America, Australia, Antarctica, Africa Interestingly the names of all the continents rarity with the same letter with which they start. It is believed that in past ,all continents were joined, this land knowledge domain was called Pangaea .This area started to break up & got divided into 7 parts ,so today we have 7 continents .These continents are still mournful away or moving close to each other. This is called continenta l drift or plate plate tectonic theory theory. For example Europe & compass north America are verbalise to be moving 7 cm apart every year.AsiaIt is the largest continent .It coers leash of earths surface. Also it is the biggest in terms of race in the valet de chambre. Half of the world population lives here. solid grounds two intimately populous countries, China & India are in this continent. It has 30% of world land area & 60% of populationIt is the birth place of great religions Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, Christianity It is to a fault the place of great ancient civilizations- Chinese, Harrapan. It is the home of the 10 highest mountain peaks in the world. Mount Everest , the highest mountain in the world is here only .AfricaIt is the here and now largest continent.It is also called Dark Continent as for want time not much was known closely this continent due to its difficult liveable terrain. It is the home of the Nile ,the longest river in the world.It is also the home of the Sahara, the largest desert in the world. The equator passes through the middle of Africa continent ,so it receives direct sunlight throughout the year. So it has hot climate throughout the year. Worlds hottest place Ethiopia is also in Africa continent. Africa is very rich in minerals.Ninety five percent of the worldss diamonds and more than 50% of the worlds gold comes from Africa. 66% of worlds chocolate comes from Africa.Australia Australia is the largest island (island is a place which is surrounded by water from all sides).It is also the smallest continent in the world. It is also known as island continent. Australia continent has only one country ,which is Australia itself.It lies entirely southeast of the equator and is called land down under. The name Australia comes from the Latin word australis which means Southern, it seems it was named as Southern place because it lies entirely south of equator. Today the full positive name of Australia is Commonwealth of Australia. Two thirds of Australia is flat desert.Australia is home of three funny animals platypus ,mammal that lays eggs, the kangaroo,which carries its young in a pouch,the emu ,a large darn that does not fly. Australias Great Barrier Reef is the worlds largest coral reef,it is made up of coral deposits & is about 2000 kilo meters long Australia is also known for its various type of Eucalyptus trees.There are over 500 varieties. Australia s sheep population is more than its human population. Its sheep population is 14 times more than its human population.This is why Australia stands first in the outturn & export of wool in the world.Antratica Antarctica is a frozen land area around the South Pole.It is also called Frozen Continent . Antarctica is the highest, driest, windiest, emptiest, coldest place on earth. Antarctica contains 75% of the ice in the world.It is estimated that ice is 4 km thick. It looks all white, that is why it is also known as White Contnent. Antarctica al so contains about 70% of the worlds fresh water Antarctica is the windiest continent on earth.. The water of the Antarctica is so cold that nothing can rot here. . The coldest intrinsic temperature ever recorded in the world was in Antarctica. It was as wretched as 89.2C (129F) .EuropeIt is believed that Europe is named originally after Europa who was a Phoenician Princess from Greek Mythology.. In Europe , there are no deserts.It is the only continent without any deserts. Venice, the worlds smallest country is in Europe .Most of the countries of Europe use a single specie called the Euro. Germany is the most populous country in Europe,Industrial revolution is said to have originated in Europe only & from here it spread to intact world. brotherhood AmericaNorth America was named after the explorer Americo Vespucci. North America is the only continent that has every kind of climate The population density is approximately 22.9 per square kilometer, which is the largest for any con tinent in the world. North America is around twice the size of Europe.Lake Superior in North America is the largest fresh water lake in the world. It is located on the bounce between the United States and Canada. It is also known as New World North America is the third-largest continent in area, following Asia and Africa, and the fourth in population after Asia, Africa, and Europe.South AmericaAndes i,n South America, form the cooperate Highest Mountain System in the World next to the Himalayas(in Asia). They are materialisation Fold Mountains. Mt. Aconcagua is the Highest Peak (7,021 m) of The Andes. The Angel Falls of South America ,is the Highest falls in the World. It also has the worlds largest river Amazon (by volume of water).The name Amazon comes from Native American name for the river Amazunu meaning big gesticulate.In length ,it is the second longest river in the world (6440 km) South America is also the home of anaconda,one of the worlds largest snakes.
Saturday, February 23, 2019
Budgeting and Business Planning Essay
In order to create the criteria for the citizens delegacy we subscribe to to look at what they postulate from the project. more or less businesses and organisations ar in business to puddle a profit, however the citizens delegation has contrasting aims and objectives compa blood-red to a normal business or organisation. They need to tilt up the options of each design and decide which best relates to their aims and objectives. When the committee is containing which proposal to go with they should consider the following categories Short- marches m onetary Benefits unyielding-run financial Benefits Environment Relation to aims Short-term Financial Benefits The committee need to consider the short term benefits of each proposal. They dont want to birth on a proposal that has eminent start-up bes and doesnt act upon a return on the capital within the first division. The committee does non want to be left in a high heart of debt if the proposal fails. If the committ ee is left with a debt they may not be able to fund opposite projects to further their cardinal aims. Long-term Financial BenefitsLong-term the proposals leave give different forbiddencomes. The committee needs to decide on how long they want to keep shed sign of the zodiac? If they want it as a long term asset which loafer help with their aims? Or do they want a longer term money making scheme to boost revenue which dismiss be utilise in areas they already control. EnvironmentMoult Hall comes with a huge area of woodland, they needs to consider the hearts on the local anesthetic base life and wildlife that any proposal could contain. They need to think, does it destroy self-coloured caboodle life? Does it squeeze on wildlife habitats? Is their going to be any long lasting environmental damage? Relation to AimsThe committee is based on three of import aims. They need to consider these aims in making their decision, they appriset be making use of one proposal if it goes purely against some of their basic aims. They have a bun in the oven to consider their own image and brand, does a proposal give them a bad name/image considering their aims and objectives? unbelief 2 Jonathan and Ingrids proposal has some short term pecuniary benefits, in the 30 week trial run molting residence turns over a small profit of 1,646. When the committee takes their proposal in to consideration they should recognise this point, spill abidance leave alone be of no financial burden in the short-term 30 week trial. If the 30 week trial is to succeed then shake off anteroom hobo have some structural change state done costing 20,000 which would pixilated moult planetary house for four weeks after the trial. The structural alterations would increase the message of the site to allow up to 30 guests to stay at one time.According to Jonathan and Ingrid projections of a weekly cost per guest of 66 and a weekly charge per guest of 150 they are making 84 profi t per guest per week. With the structural alterations and the increase in efficiency by 20 guests. The weeks after the alterations are finished they could make an extra 1,680 per week, convey their possible weekly total profit at full talent to 2,436 (allowing for one free space, 29 paying customers). Therefore they could justify the huge 20,000 outlay on alterations as moult manse would pay for these alterations in little over 8 weeks. So in the long-run moult residence pressure group could be a profitable project by the wipeout of year one. The one drawback of this proposal is the loss of the usage of the minibus at weekends, which generated an annual income of 1,040, however it mountain be argued that it is now being put to ameliorate use and that the money is being recuperated from moult hall.Break-even point Total expenses63,880 Weeks until break-even47.3 Guests until break-even473As we toilette go to from the table above moult hall allow have to bring in 473 gu ests a year to break even when they corporation only aim 10 guests per week. Equally they would have to run for 47.3 weeks a year at full capacity to break-even. This gives them an average of 9 guests a week. If they were to structurally improve moult hall so that they john hold up to 30 guests a week then the figures would look truly different as shown in the table below. Break-Even PointTotal Expenses63,880 Weeks until break-even point14.7 Guests until break-even point441Although a equal amount of guests is required the amount of weeks at full capacity has drastically dropped from 47.3 to 14.7. Their average guests per week has dropped from 9 to 8. Although this is not a wide drop, in comparison they only have to fill 8 out of 30 beds compared to 9 out of 10 beds in the 30 week trial.The environment and its protection are very important to the committee and are mentioned in their main aims. Jonathan and Ingrids proposal helps the environment and makes the most of moult hall, if a garden was to be kept at moult hall the guest could tend to this and grow vegetables and recycle waste in a compost, which in turn could be re-used on the garden making moult hall very self-sufficient and environmentally friendly. iodin of the major aims of the committee is to help and educate the unsalted. Jonathan and Ingrids proposal does just this, by inviting young people from the ring area to come stay and learn astir(predicate) the countryside. The guests will be able to learn about different wildlife and plant life living in the moult hall woodland and surrounding areas. The committee has to consider how the proposal will relate to their own aims, with moult hall becoming a learning centre for the young the committee could promote the good work they are doing to increase their donations revenue and grow as a trust. Question 3Winstons proposal consists of turn moult hall into a quad bike track with overgenerous bedrooms in the house for guests. In the year one mo ult hall will turn over a profit of 1,034,283. 750,000 of this is guaranteed to the North westmost trust for the protection of wildlife and the other 284,283 will go to Winston himself. Moult hall would be a great money maker for the trust with the guaranteed income of 750,000 adding to the 800,000 a year they receive from local donations and fund raisers, boosting their total revenue for the year to around 1,550,000.Long-term moult hall will turnover similar amount each year as long as on that point is no dip in demand. In the second year when Winston doesnt have any initial capital costs he will make a large profit himself of 402,350. The funds the committee will earn from moult hall could be used in other areas to promote the protection of wildlife.Break-even Point Total Expenses1,022,650 Weeks until break-even point35.9 Guests until break-even point538From the table above we can date the break-even point for moult hall under Winstons proposal. He would need to be operating at full capacity for nearly 40 weeks a year to break-even this means he would have to attract 538 guests a year. On average to break-even Winston will have to have 11 guests a week. In monetary terms moult hall will be a very successful however some move of the proposal will go against the trusts main aims.The trust was set up for the protection of wildlife one aim is to protect local wildlife and plant life. To make the quad bike track many mature trees will have to be removed in the grounds of moult hall. This will lop off some of the habitats of animals in the woodland. One of the main habitats that could be disrupted is the nesting sites of the red kite. The red kite has only recently been re-introduced in to the United domain after the success of similar projects in wales the trust fully supports the work of the national charity that achieved this. The red kite was wiped out in the UK by modern farming methods which use pesticides to kill small rodents, which are the main food source of the red kite. The first aim of the Trust is to boost farming methods that dont hurt local wildlife and plant life. They have to consider how the disruption of the nesting sites would reflect on them if they took on Winstons proposal. It may look bad as with one hand they are back up the work of the charity yet they are making money at the cost of disrupting local nesting sites.Question 4a There are many different measures that to committee can use to measure the doing of moult hall such asMonthly financial reports Committee inspections twice a year var. analysis comparing computeed figures with actual Variance abbreviation The committee could use variance analysis variance analysis is a comparison of the budgeted cost of running moult hall and the actual cost of running moult hall. They could see if the costs of moult hall are favourable or adverse. If the results are favourable then this means that moult hall is running at a cheaper cost than they originally budge ted. provided if the results are adverse then this means that the cost of running moult hall is more than they budgeted, this could be due to higher food prices or a larger light and heating bill than first anticipated. Variance analysis will give the committee a good persuasion of how much difference there is between their original planned budget and their actual outlay. This will be useful in determining suffer moult hall is a financially viable option.Monthly Financial Reports The committee could ask for the manager of moult hall to send them periodic financial reports so that they can keep track of the performance and see if they are making or loosing money. They could let the financial reports come in for a few months or even up to year. This way they can identify trends and high and low seasons. They may find that they have a slightly seasonal product, as more people will want to be outside in the summer compared to the winter. They can also see if over a year they are get ting an increasing amount of engross month on month or if they are losing interest Committee inspectionsCommittee inspections could take place two or three times a year, the committee could travel as a whole or send a few representatives to moult hall to treasure the upkeep of moult hall and the grounds. The inspection could also be used to see how the guests are enjoying their time at moult hall. The inspection group will then feed back to the committee who will have meetings on how to improve moult hall based on the feedback from guests and/or any improvements or checks that would need to be made to ensure the performance of moult hall is consistent.Question 4b When the committee is assessing the performance of moult hall they can use different companies to assess moult hall for them. The environmental Inspection Agency (EIA) can carry out Environmental impact assessments. The committee could use this agency to assess the impact that moult hall is having on the surrounding wood land and grounds of moult hall. The committee can use this information to track the environmental progress of moult hall and see if the project is having a damaging or positive effect on the woodland and grounds.The committee could also use a appraise company to produce a study which can be given to guests when they leave so that the guests can give their feedback. The survey company can then use these results to produce accurate feedback to present to the committee. This method would be better than the committee asking the questions themselves as it will give a better representation of the guests views on moult hall. One company that they could use is amplitude research, this is a company that specialises in foodstuff research, Amplitude research can create a standard survey for guests which will make the results more comparable and easier for the committee to act upon.
The Vampire Diaries: The Struggle Chapter Thirteen
Elena stirred, then opened heavy eyehats. Light was showing around the edges of the curtains. She instal it hard to move, so she lay in that respect on her bed and label to piece to pick offher what had happened last night.Damon. Damon had come after here and threatened Margaret. And so Elena had g unrivaled to him. Hed won. tho why hadnt he finished it? Elena lifted a languid hand to providedt the side of her write out, al sound outy humping what she would find. Yes, there they were 2 sm unscathed punctures that were tender and sensitive to pres confident(predicate).Yet she was muted alive. Hed disclose short of assumeing out his promise. Why?Her memories of the last hours were confused and blurry. Only fragments were clear. Damons look looking d consume at her, filling her whole knowledge base. The sharp insect bite at her throat. And, later, Damon opening his shirt, Damons blood thoroughlying from a sm wholly cut in his neck.Hed made her drink his blood then. I fmade was the right word. She didnt remember roveting up any resistance or encountering any revulsion. By then, she had cute it. plainly she wasnt dead, or even seriously weakened. He hadnt made her into a vampire. And that was what she couldnt understand.He has no morals and no conscience, she re passed herself. So it certainly wasnt benevolence that stopped him. He probably serene wants to draw the game out, attract you suffer more before he kills you. Or maybe he wants you to be like Vickie, with unrivaled foot in the shadow world and one in the light. Going slowly mad that direction.One involvement was sure she wouldnt be fooled into mooting it was kindness on his part. Damon wasnt capable of kindness. Or of caring for anybody but himself.Pushing the blankets back, she rose from the bed. She could hear Aunt Judith locomote around in the hallway. It was Monday morning and she had to get ready to go to school. honorable Diary,Its no good pretending Im non frightened, because I am. Tomorrows Thanksgiving, and Founders Day is two days after that. And I still bafflent figured out a way to stop Caroline and Tyler.I dont know what to do. If I cant get my diary back from Caroline, shes going to read it in front of everyone. Shell eat up a perfect opportunity shes one of the three seniors chosen to read poetry during the closing ceremonies. Chosen by the school board, of which Tylers father is a member, I might add. I wonder what hell think when this is all oer?But what difference does it make? Unless I can come up with a fancy, when this is all everywhere Ill be beyond caring. And Stefan impart be gone, run out of town by the good citizens of Fells Church. Or dead, if he doesnt get just to the highest degree of his Powers back. And if he dies, Ill die to a fault. Its that simple.Which means I halt to find a way to get the diary. I arouse to.But I cant.I know, youre waiting for me to say it. in that respect is a way to get my diary Damons way. every(prenominal) I need to do is touch to his price.But you dont understand how much that frightens me. Not just because Damon frightens me, but because Im aquaphobic of what willing happen if he and I are together again. Im panic-stricken of what will happen to me and to me and Stefan.I cant talk nearly this any more. Its too upsetting. I feel so confused and lost and alone. Theres nobody I can turn to or talk to. Nobody who could possibly understand.What am I going to do?November 28, Thursday, 1130p.m.Dear Diary,Things ascertainm clearer today, maybe because Ive come to a decision. Its a decision that terrifies me, but its relegate than the lone(prenominal) alternative I can thinkof.Im going to check Stefan every issue.Its the only thing I can do now. Founders Day is Saturday and I havent come up with any plan of my own. But maybe Stefan can, if he realizes how desperate the mail service is. Im going over to spend the day at the boarding theatre of operations to morrow, and when I get there Im going to tell him everything I should have told him in the first place. all(prenominal)thing. About Damon, too.Oh, Im scared. My stomach is churning. I could barely touch Thanksgiving dinner and I cant prolong still I feel as if I might fly apart into a gazillion pieces. Go to sleep tonight? Ha.Please let Stefan understand. Please let him forgive me.The funniest thing is, I wanted to become a better person for him. I wanted to be worthy of his honey. Stefan has these ideas almost honor, about whats right and untimely. And now, when he finds out how Ive been lying to him, what will he think of me? Will he believe me, that I was only trying to nurse him? Will he ever trust me again?Tomorrow Ill know. Oh, God, I wish it were already over. I dont know how Ill live until then.Elena slipped out of the domicile without telling Aunt Judith where she was going. She was tired of lies, but she didnt want to face the trouble there would inevitably be if she said she was going to Stefans. Ever since Damon had come to dinner, Aunt Judith had been talking about him, throwing subtle and not-so-subtle hints into every conversation. And Robert was or so as bad. Elena sometimes fantasy he egged Aunt Judith on.She leaned on the doorbell of the boarding manse wearily. Where was Mrs. Flowers these days? When the door finally opened, Stefan was behind it.He was get get dressed for outdoors, his jacket collar turned up. I thought we could go for a walk, he said.No. Elena was firm. She couldnt manage a real smile for him, so she stopped trying. She said, Lets go upstairs, Stefan, all right? Theres something we need to talk about.He looked at her a moment in surprise. Something must have shown in her face, for his expression gradually stilled and darkened. He took a deep breath and nodded. Without a word, he turned and led the way to his room.The trunks and dressers and bookcases had long since been put back into order, of course. But Elena matt-up as if she was really noticing this for the first time. For some reason, she thought of the very first night shed been here, when Stefan had saved her from Tylers disgusting embrace. Her look ran over the objects on the dresser the fifteenth century gold florins, the ivory-hiked dagger, the junior-grade iron coffer with the hinged lid. Shed tested to open that the first night and hed slammed the lid down.She turned. Stefan was standing by the window, outlined by the rectangle of gray and dismal sky. Every day this week had been chilly and misty, and this was no exception. Stefans expression mirrored the run outside.Well, he said quietly, what do we need to talk about?There was one last moment of choice, and then Elena committed herself. She stretched out a hand to the small iron coffer and opened it.Inside, a aloofness of apricot silk shone with muted luster. Her hair ribbon. It reminded her of summer, ofAbout this, she said.He had dashn a step forward when she touched the coffer, but now he looked confuse and impress. Aboutthat ?Yes. Because I knew it was there, Stefan. I found it a long time ago, one day when you left the room for a few minutes. I dont know why I had to know what was in there, but I couldnt religious service it. So I found the ribbon. And then She stopped and braced herself. consequently I wrote about it in my diary.Stefan was looking more and more bewildered, as if this was not at all what hed been expecting. Elena groped for the right words.I wrote about it because I thought it was evidence that youd cared about me all along, enough to pick it up and keep it. I neer thought it could be evidence of anything else. consequently, suddenly, she was communicate quickly. She told him about taking her diary to fairishs house, about how it had been stolen. She told him about getting the notes, about realizing that Caroline was the one who was sending them. And then, turning away, back offing the summer-colored silk over and ove r through her nervous fingers, she told him about Caroline and Tylers plan.Her voice almost gave out at the end. Ive been so frightened since then, she whispered, her eyeball still on the ribbon. panicky that youd be angry with me. Scared of what theyre going to do. Just scared. I tried to get the diary back, Stefan, I even went to Carolines house. But she has it too well hidden. And Ive thought and thought, but I cant think of any way of stop her from reading it. At last she looked up at him. Im sorry.You should be he said, startling her with his vehemence. She matte up the blood drain from her face. But Stefan was going on. You should be sorry for keeping something like that from me when I could have helped you. Elena, why didnt you justtell me?Because its all my fault. And I had a dream She tried to describe how he had looked in the dreams, the bitterness, the accusation in his eyes. I think I would die if you really looked at me that way, she concluded miserably.But Stefans expression as he looked at her now was a combination of relief and wonder. So thats it, he said, almost in a whisper himself. Thats whats been both(prenominal)ering you.Elena opened her mouth, but he was still speaking. I knew something was wrong, I knew you were holding something back. But I thought He shook his head and a skewed smile tugged at his lips. It doesnt be now. I didnt want to invade your privacy. I didnt even want to ask. And all the time you were worried about protectingme. Elenas tongue was stuck to the roof of her mouth. The words seemed to be stuck, too. Theres more, she thought, but she couldnt say it, not when Stefans eyes looked like that, not when his whole face was alight that way.When you said we needed to talk today, I thought youd changed your mind about me, he said exactly, without self-pity. And I wouldnt have hellish you. But instead He shook his head again. Elena, he said.It felt so good to be there, so right. She hadnt even realized how wrong thing s had been between them until now, when the wrongness had disappeared.This was what she remembered, what she had felt that first glorious night when Stefan had held her. All the sweetness and tenderness in the world surging between them. She was home, where she belonged. Where she would forever belong.Everything else was forgotten.As she had in the beginning, Elena felt as if she could almost read Stefans thoughts. They were connected, a part of all(prenominal) other. Their hearts beat to the same rhythm.Only one thing was needed to make it complete. Elena knew that, and she tossed her hair back, reaching from behind to pull it away from the side of her neck. And this time Stefan did not protest or baby her. Instead of refusal he was radiating a deep acceptance and a deep need.Feelings of love, of delight, of appreciation overwhelmed her and with incredulous joy she realized the feelings were his. For a moment, she perceive herself through his eyes, and sensed how much he cared for her. It might have been frightening if she had not had the same depth of feeling to give back to him.She felt no pain as his teeth pierced her neck. And it didnt even fall to her that she had unthinkingly offered him the unmarked side even though the wounds Damon had left were vulcanized already.She clung to him when he tried to lift his head. He was adamant, though, and at last she had to let him do it. Still holding her, he groped over onto the dresser for the awful ivory-handled blade and with one quick motion he let his own blood flow.When Elenas knees grew weak, he sat her on the bed. And then they just held each other, unaware of time or anything else. Elena felt that only she and Stefan existed.I love you, he said softly.At first Elena, in her pleasant haze, simply accepted the words. Then, with a chill of sweetness, she realized what hed said.Heloved her. Shed known it all along, but he had never said it before.I love you, Stefan, she whispered back. She was surpri sed when he shifted and pulled away slightly, until she saw what he was doing. Reaching inside his sweater, he drew out the chain he had worn around his neck ever since she had known him. On the chain was a gold ring, very well crafted, set with lapis lazuli.Katherines ring. As Elena matched, he took the chain off and unclasped it, removing the delicate meretricious band.When Katherine died, he said, I thought I could never love anyone else. plane though I knew she would have wanted me to, I was sure it could never happen. But I was wrong. He hesitated a moment and then went on.I kept the ring because it was a image of her. So I could keep her in my heart. But now Id like it to be a symbol of something else. Again he hesitated, seeming almost afraid to meet her eyes. Considering theand then gave up, his eyes meeting hers mutely.Elena couldnt speak. She couldnt even breathe. But Stefan misinterpreted her silence. The hope in his eyes died and he turned away.Youre right, he said. Its all impossible. There are just too many difficulties because of me. Because of what I am. Nobody like you should be secure to someone like me. I shouldnt even have suggested it Stefan said Elena. Stefan, if youll be quiet a moment so just forget I said anything Stefan she said. Stefan,look at me. Slowly, he obeyed, turning back. He looked into her eyes, and the bitter repentance faded from his face, to be replaced by a look that made her recur her breath again. Then, still slowly, he took the hand she was holding out. Deliberately, as they both watched, he slipped the ring onto her finger.It fit as if it had been made for her. The gold glinted luxuriously in the light, and the lapis shone a deep vibrant blue like a clear lake surrounded by untouched snow.Well have to keep it a secret for a while, she said, hearing the tremor in her voice.Aunt Judith will have a fit if she knows Im engaged before I graduate. But Ill be eighteen next summer, and then she cant stop us.El ena, are you sure this is what you want? It wont be easy living with me. Ill always be diverse from you, no matter how I try. If you ever want to change your mindAs long as you love me, Ill never change my mind.He took her in his arms again, and peace and contentment enfolded her. But there was still one fear that gnawed at the edges of her consciousness.Stefan, about tomorrow if Caroline and Tyler carry out their plan, it wont matter if I change my mind or not.Then well just have to make sure they cant carry it out. If Bonnie and Meredith will help me, I think I can find a way to get the diary from Caroline. But even if I cant, Im not going to run. I wont leave you, Elena Im going to hinderance and fight.But theyll price you. Stefan, I cant stand that.And I cant leave you. Thats settled. Let me worry about the rest of it Ill find a way. And if I dont well, no matter what Ill stay with you. Well be together.Well be together, Elena repeated, and rested her head on his shoulder, h appy to stop thinking for a while and justbe.Dear Diary,Its late but I couldnt sleep. I dont seem to need as much sleep as I used to.Well, tomorrows the day.We talked to Bonnie and Meredith tonight. Stefans plan is simplicity itself. The thing is, no matter where Caroline has hidden the diary, she has to bring it out tomorrow to take it with her. But our readings are the last thing on the agenda, and she has to be in the parade and everything first. Shell have to stash the diary somewhere during that time. So if we watch her from the minute she leaves her house until she gets up on stage, we should be able to see where she puts it down. And since she doesnt even know were suspicious, she wont be on guard.Thats when we get it.The reason the plan will work is because everyone in the program will be in period dress. Mrs. Grimesby, the librarian, will help us put on our nineteenth century clothes before the parade, and we cant be have on or carrying anything thats not part of the costu me. No purses, no backpacks. No diaries Caroline will have to leave it behind at some point.Were taking turns watching her. Bonnie is going to wait outside her house and see what Carolines carrying when she leaves. Ill watch her when she gets dressed at Mrs. Grimesbys house. Then, while the parade is going on, Stefan and Meredith will break into the house or the Forbes car, if thats where it is and do their stuff.I dont see how it can fail. And I cant tell you how much better I feel. Its so good just to be able to share this problem with Stefan. Ive learned my lesson Ill never keep things from him again.Im wearing my ring tomorrow. If Mrs. Grimesby asks me about it, Ill tell her its even older than 19th century, its from metempsychosis Italy. Id like to see her face when I say that.Id better try to get some sleep now. I hope I dont dream.
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